2024年11月23日 When creating a connection for the HTTP with Microsoft Entra ID connector, input text https://graph.microsoft.com/ for both Microsoft Entra ID Reso...
K2pdfopt - K2pdfopt optimizes PDF/DJVU files for mobile e-readers (e.g. the Kindle) and smartphones. Komikku - Manga reader with support for online and offline re...
Example: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/sitename. List Name table True string SharePoint list name. Id itemId True integer Id of the list item to attach the file to. File...
i copied a random image address and i didnt even know what it was and i got /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSEhMWFhUXFRcaFxcYGBgYGBgZFxoXFxYYGBcYHSggGh...